The view across the lake at Priddy Mineries Reserve, on the Mendip Hills.

Can’t quite believe the title I’ve given this – sounds like an entry for a camera club competition!  What have I got against camera clubs?  Nothing, except to know that they’re not for me.   I’m a loner when it comes to photography – being alone and aware of my surroundings is what works.

And as for competitions, photography is to me – like most if not all of the other arts –  far too subjective to allow meaningful ranking or judging of one photograph against another.  In photography, we each do our own thing, we express ourselves.  If others like our images, well that’s a plus.  If not, well that’s how it is, and we should, I think, keep being true to ourselves, keep being true to how we look at and see the world.  For me, taking photos with a view to competition judges saying positive things about them would hardly be satisfying.  But then, as always, I am not the norm and neither are you – we are all different, we each do our own thing.

Click onto the image to open a larger version in a separate window, and click onto that image to enlarge it yet again.

Technique: X-T2 with 55-200 Fujinon lens at 98mm (equiv); 200 ISO; Lightroom, using the Astia/Soft film simulation; Silver Efex Pro 2, starting at the Silhouette EV +1 preset, and adding a tone; Priddy Mineries Reserve, Mendip Hills, Somerset; 16 Feb 2018.


  1. I understand what you’re saying about camera clubs and the need to be immersed in one’s environment when taking pictures, not thinking about someone else taking them too! And making photographs with a goal like entering a competition in mind seems very counter-productive. But I think they can be appropriate in certain contexts, as a way to get one’s work out to a wider audience. This image made me think of your time in Kenya – that tree silhouette. 🙂


    • Yes, lone trees in Kenya, absolutely! And you’re right about competitions giving our work a wider audience but I can easily forego that. As it is, all of my FATman posts also automatically go out on Twitter and that works fine. >>> if you receive this reply twice, its because my net connection went down when I sent the first version!!!!! 😦 😦 😦


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