
The artificial world, constructed, manmade – places where we live and work.  The tail lights of a vehicle at lower right.  Of the Natural World there is little to see: just some bushes barely visible in the shadows, the upperparts of a distant tree, and the overarching, almost featureless sky.

The first photo in this East Street series, with context, is here . Subsequent images are here: 2 3 4 . Each will open in a separate window.

Click onto the image to open a larger version in a separate window – recommended.

Technique: TG-5 at 100mm (equiv); 800 ISO; spot metering; Lightroom, starting at the Camera Vivid profile; East Street, Bedminster, south Bristol; 21 Jan 2020.


    • Thank you, my friend, thank you >>> ah, yes, the “land”scapes we have created for ourselves – but you and I are naturalists, we know there are alternatives, whereas many now are more and more becoming alienated from those natural alternatives.


      • It’s scary to think about how alienated from nature people are becoming…at the same time, I notice a longing for “raw” experience, the wilderness, etc. – a sure sign of what’s lacking. At the same time, the human-built environment offers many good artistic opportunities.


        • Yes, I agree with you entirely. It amuses me though that in Modern Britain, taking a tent out to somewhere nice in the countryside is now known as “WILD camping”!!!, whereas in our youths, my birding friends at school and I would just … take a tent out to somewhere nice in the countryside and think nothing of it. This also reflects our society’s alienation from the Nature (I was famous in those days for wearing Wellington boots, and can remember sleeping in them on some of our youthful birding forays!). 🙂


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