
Just before sunrise, and the morning bus to work grinds its way slowly along Victoria Street, in central Bristol; 2 Dec 2016.

Here are the steamy windows of winter transport and, upstairs, three ways of co-existing with them.  The blond on the left has wiped her window to see out but now turns her back on the outside world, preferring to talk to someone perhaps, or preparing to exchange the warmth of this collective and moving womb for the sudden chill of daybreak’s reality.  How many times did I wish that the morning bus ride to work world go on and on, warm and safe, forever, and that I’d never have to get off???

The woman in the centre has wiped her window, and stares disconsolately out. 

The man in front of her has let his window mist over, and is now staring ahead, lost perhaps in thought about the day ahead, anticipating his boss’s whims perhaps – or are the whims all his own?

And downstairs, below the advert for Christmas cheer,  a single, misted face.

Earlier images in this series can be found hereherehere, herehere, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Click onto the image to open a larger version in a separate window – recommended.

D700 with 70-300 Nikkor lens at 300mm; 25,600 ISO; 1/125th, wide open at f5.6.


  1. Brilliantly observed, Adrian. I spent a lifetime of un-godly hours as a doctor, and in retirement I’m very reluctant to emerge early in the morning. But I realize how much I miss by my lazyness – especially when I see images like this.


    • Thanks, Andy! Well I’ve long been a morning person, and especially so after over 30 years birdwatching and taking tourists on safari – and this trait seems only to be increasing with retirement – but then I go downhill very fast in the afternoons, usually with a beer or two, which is very pleasant. I’m finding it a bit harder work now to drive off to the Somerset Levels super early – but for Bristol city centre I have it made – pack all my stuff the night before, roll out the door and onto an early bus and I’m there – and second breakfasts are a wonderful institution! A 🙂


  2. I like the colour palette here – the soft blues and browns. I wonder if the man on the top deck is sitting at the front, and has cleared the front window, or has simply given up trying to keep the side window clear. Perhaps, as you say, he is contemplating the day ahead.


    • That’s a very good point, he could be looking out of the front window, having eschewed (love that word!) the side, but this photo is cropped and the original shows him quite some way back from the bus’s front seats. Glad the picture gets to you. A 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree. Sometimes you wish the ride would never end. But it always does. I guess you just have to take it all in and then plan another trip. 😉
    Great photo, my foreign friend. Love to you, bud.


    • Thank you, my friend – yes, I’m VERY glad to be retired too. But I’m very much a morning person – which I know you are not! This has been reinforced during my life by crack of dawn birdwatching forays, and of course when I was leading safaris we were always on the move very early. Here, in Bristol, by choice, I used to start work at 0700, and that’s carried over – and been increased – by retirement >>> and I’m in the very early city for two reasons, one of which is a nice second breakfast, and the other is photography – and I really like these pre-dawn expeditions very much! Then I return home exhausted around noon, and subside with some good quality Belgian beers – there are far, far worse ways of spending days imo! A 😀


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