

Hard to believe, but FATman Photos has stumbled through half a decade.  I certainly can’t believe it – but then again I must also say that blogging seems now to have been always there, I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t doing it.

As always, I’m very grateful to those who take the time to look at my photos – and especially so to those who take the time to comment upon them – THANK YOU ALL!  Your interest and support are very encouraging, and I have not the slightest doubt that your encouragement has pushed me forwards and improved my photography.

A few simple stats.  Since 26 April 2011, this blog has put out 1,818 posts, and there have been 18,342 comments >>> but since I (virtually always) make it a rule to reply to comments, around half of these are my grateful responses.

And the image?  Well its me photographing me, standing beside a metal spiral staircase, reflected in a shop window.  I looked in the window and thought “Who’s that nice old man?”, which just goes to show how first impressions can be misleading … 😉 …..

Thank you again for looking at my blog.







    • Oh that’s really good to hear, my friend – especially the “inspiration” bit >>> thank you! 🙂 NB you should get “GREAT STUFF!” into your lexicon or pantheon or handbag or whatever it is that you have, because people may start looking at you in a different way … 🙂 …

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll give it a go! What I have noticed recently – much to my surprise and irritation – is that I keep addressing young people as ‘dear’. Where that’s coming from, I have no idea! It needs to stop, though 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Lisa, that’s very good to hear – thank you so much! Local news: next week we have elections in Bristol, and I’m hoping, fervently hoping!, that we will see our elected mayor exit stage left! He doesn’t listen to anybody else, and he’s been absolutely dreadful. Adrian


  1. Congratulations, Adrian, and keep it coming! That’s a perfect photo to mark the day. (I know you’d hate to lose your edge but I think you can be nice one in a while). 😉


  2. I agree with Paula! And congrats to you, my dear friend… I love your self portrait. 👍

    I’m trying my best to catch up on my blog friends…


  3. Congratulations on five years of excellent blogging. I have only being following for about a year but enjoy looking at your images and the thought provoking and often amusing descriptions. Keep it going for many more years to come! Alan


This blog has two pleasures for me - creating the images and hearing from you - so get your thoughts out to the world!

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